Tensegrity Repair Series

Tuesday Mornings with Hanna Munneke

Tuesdays 8.45am – 9.45am

The Tensegrity Repair Series is a movement sequence designed by Gioia Irwin of Vancouver, BC, which focuses on tuning into the myofascial network of the body, and how it relates to our skeletal structure.

Done mostly lying on the back, these movements help to tone and strengthen the core, break down knots and adhesions throughout the body, and rehydrate the fascia for greater joint mobility and overall balanced and connected body function.

Relaxing, yet invigorating, the Tensegrity Repair Series can be helpful in recovery from injury, chronic pain, or stress related tension, and can also provide a stable base from which to grow your yoga or movement practice.

Suitable for all levels, including complete beginners

Email Hanna to register for this class: hannamunnekeyoga@gmail.com

Tensegrity Repair Series poster