
with Bhavantu Sound at Seed Spirit Farm

Saturday, August 19th from 3:30-5:30pm

Join us at Seed Spirit Farm, the home of Salt Spring Seeds and Dan and Celeste Jason, for our Annual Kirtan event with Bhavantu Sound from Victoria!

Set in the rolling fields of the farm, the exquisite harmonies of Ty and Tia carry Kirtan across the Cranberry Valley. If you love Kirtan and devotion music, this is not to be missed! If you have never experienced Kirtan or devotional music this is not to be missed!

Ty, Tia and Christopher’s kirtan consists of harmonium, guitar (sometimes fiddle), drum and flute. Their scintillating harmonies elevate consciousness and their devotion and commitment to subtle energy is a somatic delight!!

Please contact Bhavanti Sound by phone at 250-537-4658 or Facebook for more info on this event.

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